If you couldn’t find you’re desired already we have more for you with. Or maybe you’ve already got the content from the list above. Still firmly attached to your mobile device? We hope so.At the top it seems like you reached some teenager’s blog or something but as you scroll you realize this is the place you were looking for. I do have to say that the layout is unique. A heads up to as we continue down our list. Premium content as Free as fast as it can be.Yes there is more advertisement we know but there is also still a promising amount of fresh content and if you’re part of the niche of Bollywood movies then this place is as good as any. We haven’t reached the end as this website is still keeping a hand in the ring.

Now, as we move down the list we’re going to see much more of that elbow twitching around, but just hold on.

Offer clients free movies as up to date as possible so that’s why they’ve reached our number two spot. It won’t be as up to date and it won’t be as flashy but in its own right it does what it came to do.

Maybe giving the effect of the easy and simplicity that google has come to be known for.