Breeding season 6.6.1
Breeding season 6.6.1

This is also referred to as being "in heat". In species with estrous cycles, females are generally only sexually active during the estrus phase of their cycle. Animals that have menstrual cycles shed the endometrium through menstruation instead.

breeding season 6.6.1

One difference is that animals that have estrous cycles resorb the endometrium if conception does not occur during that cycle. However, species vary significantly in the detailed functioning.

breeding season 6.6.1 breeding season 6.6.1

Mammals share the same reproductive system, including the regulatory hypothalamic system that produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone in pulses, the pituitary gland that secretes follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, and the ovary itself that releases sex hormones, including estrogens and progesterone. Further information: Menstrual cycle § Cycles and phases

Breeding season 6.6.1