It is a vicious circle that can be incredibly hard to break. Many people eat because they are unhappy with their size, so they eat more to comfort themselves thus gaining more weight. Hi Windswept1, you are perfectly right in what you say. The steps will get easier and easier believe me, and in 4 months you could be looking back at the you you use to be, and you too could be thinking "YES, I am doing it!"ĪeternoSolus in reply to Windswept1 8 years ago Now when I look back I am not lamenting the wasted time when I could have been losing the weight, I am thinking "YES, I am doing it." I thought for years "I must lose weight" and never did anything about it, how I wish I'd started sooner. The longest journey starts with a single step. To anyone out there looking to start the seemingly impossible task of weight loss I say, "Go for it". Imagine what another 17 on top of that is like and that's what I have lost so far. Here's a thing, go to your cupboard and take out 2 bags of sugar and feel the weight. My waistline has gone from 52 down to 43, another 19 bags (3 stone) to go and I will have reached the weight I want to be. Now 19 of those bags have gone and I feel so much better. Yesterday I carried 24 bags up-stairs and nearly knackered myself, but at the start of my diet I was carrying 38 bags of sugar extra weight and I thought nothing of it (although my body did with backache). The weight I have lost is equivalent to 19 bags of sugar. I am now 16 stone 12, 3 stone lighter and have lost half of what I want to. But funnily enough even on free days now I just tend to have one big meal, and then after I usually wish I'd had the salad instead I do have free days where I don't calorie count and can eat whatever I want. I cannot stress how much easier this has made my diet, being able to see what I have eaten each day actually makes me feel less hungry. I see how many calories I am eating for each meal and adjust the next meal accordingly. This I thought would of been impossible considering the amount I use to eat, but keeping the food log has made all the difference. The first thing I did was buy a food log and set myself on 1500 calories a day. To that end me and my team stopped bringing in cake, crisps, biscuits and all the other junk we would eat throughout the night and this was in addition to our meals. My doctor said loose weight and eat right and it might never be a problem. Well, back in June I was diagnosed as borderline diabetic. I was 19 stone 12 back then, and had been 21 at one stage. Which means I do very little in terms of exercise, and when at home I do even less being a single man and a gamer.

Hi everyone, I am 52 and work in security with 3 others on our shift.